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picture is "wobbling" on avermedia 5000

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hello everyone, I havent been here in a while so hello again! Ive been noticing a minor problem on my NV5000 setup at home so here goes...

I have an NV5000 setup on my PC with 5 cameras, 4 outdoor and one indoor. All the cameras work great except one, which has a "wobble" in the top of the picture. It really weird. the top, say, one fourth of the picture will wobble side to side at a consistant interval. none of the other cameras do this. They are generic cameras, as I dont need anything really spectacular picture wise. They are set up to record motion, and the wobble doesnt seem to set off recording, so Im thinking this is an issue in the playback software. Heres the specs on the PC...

Abit NF7s mobo

(Nvidia NForce2 northbridge)

ATI 9800 pro 128mb

NV5000 installed in closest slot to AGP

380w Antec PSU

generic cameras ran with rg59 and rg6 coax. the rg59's arent the best cables, i know, but the other ones using the same cables arent doing it.


Again,This wobble doesnt seem to affect motion detection, its just extremely annoying when reviewing recorded files. Anyone know what could be the culprit here?

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First and easiest thing to try is you could also swap the cams around at the back of the DVR and if it follows the camera to a different port, then the DVR isn't the problem.


Next you can you try swapping that camera with another to see if it's the camera or the cable. If you swap them and the problem follows the camera, then the camera is the problem, but if it doesn't it may be in the cabling or power supply.

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