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Need help in deciding

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Okay i am building this 16 channel geo-vision using gv-1480, and dell 9300 with 256mb video card, first tell me if that is the best way to get 16 outputs.


2nd thing is, that this is my 3rd system. in first system i used i-view. in 2nd system i used gv-1240, cuz they both were 8 channels. i used phoenix 480tv lines, sony chipset auto iris cameras. they were $150 dollars with lens, power supply, and bracket. i dont know if that was a good deal or what, but i bought this from ebay...!

i need some suggestion about deciding the 16 channel cameras

i need to stay in just about same range for 150 dollars or so.

so can anyone suggest better cameras with everything inluded, may be little better quality than what i have from pheonix.

please let me know thanks


P.S they are indoor use mainly in gas station, may be one or two pointing outside or something.

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I don’t know about those camera's or if the spec’s are accurate. However, there is something else to think about. Any part of your system is only as good as the weakest link. If the DVR is only capable of, or is set at 320/240 for example, it would most likely not mater if the camera’s are 520. The picture quality will suffer. Just a thought and something you might look into.

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i m using gv-1480

i used 480tvl sony super head, and it is somewhat fine, but those 520tv really sucks in it. lot of pixels and power pic quality

pic goes dark and light, hue gets all messy, color go sharp to dull


any suggestions , cuz i am planning to return them if i could, and invest in something better.

range would be upto $200 color auto iris?

480 or 520 whateva, as long as it gives me better pic quality.


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