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Own a Geovision card? Do yourself a favor, check out Livevue

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The email got kicked back. Here it is below.


So we use DSL modems to perform the port forwarding. Ports 3550, 4550, 5550, 6550, and 8081 are all forwarded to the private IP address of the DVR unit. 8081 is the port used for the webcams. I’m using a dynamic DNS service called no-ip.com. They have an option I use which automatically redirects port 80 to 8081. This works well for my users so that all they have to type is http://2296dvr.sytes.net. If I take the actual IP of this url and put it into LiveVue it works fine, but if I enter the url it doesn’t. Based on this I think LiveVue is not liking the port redirect that is occurring, or it just doesn’t want to see anything other than an actual IP address.

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Okay I just dont think it searches for 8081, can you try something else like 1080 or even 81 just to test?


EDIT: okay thats not the issue .. i cant even telnet to port 8081 which is the DVRs port .. so the No-ip redirect thing is blocking something or not letting it through, perhaps its looking for a browser useragent or something? Basically if I cant telnet to the DVR LiveVue wont be able to connect either. I imagine using Telnet to port 80 is just me connecting to the No-ip server, not the DVR itself.

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Yes telnet works with the IP, but not using the DDNS name ..

If i cant telnet to the DDNS name, LiveVue wont connect either


No-ip's redirect must use some browser based code or check for agent type ..

is there any literature on that anywhere, any other settings you can change, or disable, on their side?


Do they allow you to also add another normal service without the redirect?

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The redirect is optional and something I do because I think it's cleaner for my users. The obvious fix would be to not use that option. I just think it's better is users don't have to type in 8081 on the back end of DVR link.

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Yeah but the problem is that it is basically just an HTTP Redirect, so Telnet and LiveVue wont recognise it .. No-ip basically puts your IP and the Port together, which wont work for Telnet or LiveVue. (


The only way I can see for it to work without going too deep, is to create 2 names, eg. DVR1.sytes.net and DVR2.sytes.net and use one for the LiveVue/Telnet and one for the browser, the browser one being the Port 80 Redirect, to the non Redirect name. Eg. DVR2.sytes.net (browser) TO DVR1.sytes.net, Port 8081 (Telnet/LiveVue).


I actually made my own No IP program that would be integrated into the new version, well its not 100% complete yet, i wrote it sometime last year and it works, small server app is run on the DVR in the back ground. Allows the users to add normal user names, eg. Metsfan, instead of Metsfan.gotdns.com

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Hey guys, working on a version (finally right!??) that will work with the older versions (the ones I like to use ) and the latest 8.3 (.xx) ... in testing it is using 2 activeX controls, the 7.0 for everything up to and including 8.2 ... then the 8.3 activeX control. I will tell you one thing, Geo was doing good up until this 8.3 version ( I know they meant well) ... anyway .. apart from the occasional crashing of the 8.3 activeX control .. I can get it to load with 7.0, when it connects it looks to see if it is 8.3 and if it is 8.3 then it disconnects, kills that control, then loads the new 8.3 control. Otherwise I would just use 8.3 for ALL versions as new works for old .. but not vice versa.


Here is the thing ... the main issue with the 8.3 control .. enable direct draw overlay is disabled .. well they left out that method in 8.3 .. funny it was in the earlier versions .. anyway .. if we utilize a certain setting that gives certain right click options, which can be pretty cool stuff actually, then you get Direct draw overlay ... BUT it causes any right click and resize not to work properly in my app, literally making the app useless. If I leave that setting out, then we loose direct draw overlay ->> without direct draw overlay you may see blocked video, or pixelised, especially in full screen .. so that is that, we loose DDO for any DVR with 8.3 as right click and resize is obviously more important to me in my app .. FOR NOW .. until Geo fixes that in an updated ActiveX control. In everything other than full screen or some of the larger screens like the large window in 13 screen, you typically dont notice the difference. I may ofcourse find a way around it though as time goes on.


Additionally .. in this app I create a separate ActiveX control, one that uses the Geo Single camera ActiveX control but also creates a multi viewer activeX control full of public functions and properties (all from VB6) ... Im adding alot of public stuff into that so it could also be utilized in other apps as well as Internet Explorer. Additionally I created themes for it, those could also be changed. For example in the version I am using now to test I have a charcoal colored webcam window .. instead of the typical blue one. I also have black border and black OSD - oh yeah I added in the OSD feature .. will try work on a transparent one also but dont want to cause it to slow down any. Im testing this stuff on slow hardware BTW ... for what it is worth .. It just keeps getting slower is not a slogan I approve of!


And the latest is I added a custom screens drop down list .. example resized screens are 640x480, 800x480, 1024x600, basically a whole load of other larger and smaller displays including many wide screen displays ... it resizes on the fly ... im adding an INI file that would contain the screens .. so the user can actually add their own screen size into that (it uses the full screen form layout BTW when resized to one of those). Total resize control .. that is what LiveVue is all about and now I take it to a whole other level.


Also ... this version will be 100% free .. ofcourse those that purchased the earlier versions will get first priority on any BETA and also tech support no questions asked. I may ofcourse throw ADs into it though, will think about that.


Ideas .. recommendations ... other developers .. whatever let me know. I am totally open for ideas. 8.3 really made me unhappy due to how slow it got compared to other versions, and ofcourse the issues with the ActiveX control .. but will see how it goes. I am hoping Geo steps up to the plate and deals with some of those issues ... speed is a major issue BTW .. I mean it takes 5-10 minutes for the GeoVision 8.3 server to load in a Pentium Dual Core Intel PC .. whats up with that!?? I installed 8.12 on a 2.6 celleron and it flies! I dont need all the IP stuff (modules) with Geo, give us the Option for Dot Net ... we all dont need or Want it.


example images: (using some geo demos found online)







i got rid of 32, 40, and 56 way views since these images were saved.

also, testing in these images was done on a Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz with 2GB of RAM. <<--- when referencing the memory and CPU image.

If your DVR is imaged in any of the example images above plz let me know, I will remove or give credit/link whichever you prefer.

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So Rory am i correct in thinking that your LiveVue program only works with the Geovision cards?

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So Rory am i correct in thinking that your LiveVue program only works with the Geovision cards?


Yes you are correct.

I did some versions for other cards and DVRs in the beginning but Geo had the market share and is (was) much easier to work with.

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Okay cuz i'm looking at buying a barebones kit and adding a 8 camera Geovision card to use for learning about pc based cctv system for residential installs.If i can demo the system good enough,then i'll sell it and build another .

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I just discovered the discussions about Livevue and am anxious to try the version for v8.3. Multiview takes so long to load all of the cameras that it's just about unusable in my application. I've been considering going back to v8.2.


I have GeoVision systems at several car wash sites with more coming soon. The washes are automatic and self-serve and most of the time do not have an attendent. We don't actively monitor the cameras but do need to check them for problems and whether we need to send someone to the site. With earlier GeoVision versions we used Multicam, not ideal but good for a quick status check. With v8.3, Multicam is no longer supported.


Each of our sites is set up as a VPN, which is necessitated by the network configuration of the car wash equipment. We log into the VPN to monitor both the equipment and the cameras and can be connected to only one site at a time. If necessary, I could configure the routers to bypass the VPN for the GeoVision system by using port forwarding.


Will Livevue run on a 64-bit version of Windows? I've found that even though there's a 32-bit version of Windows 7 available, few manufacturers are offering computers with it, even the build-to-order models don't list it as an option. Webcam, Multiview, and Remote Viewlog do run on 64-bit Windows 7, even if the main system won't.

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Will Livevue run on a 64-bit version of Windows? I've found that even though there's a 32-bit version of Windows 7 available, few manufacturers are offering computers with it, even the build-to-order models don't list it as an option. Webcam, Multiview, and Remote Viewlog do run on 64-bit Windows 7, even if the main system won't.


Hi Gary. I honestly cant say as Ive never used a 64bit OS, I dont see why not if the others will as it uses the same ActiveX and Codecs.

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