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Advice needed on a dvr

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I am going to fit a system at my home ( 1 x dvr and 4 x external cameras )


I was tempted to get the Avermedia EB1304NET ( 4 x channel ). It would be great as I wanted to fit it in my bedroom and this model doesnt have a fan . But not sure on what the life span would be like on them , ie with them not been fan cooled wouldnt they run quite hot and shorten the life span ?


I was speaking to a friend of mine and he advised going for a better system ,, ie a colossus 4 channel , 2cif . & 4 x low level light dome cameras . He said to go for a 2cif dvr as they would be better , and 4cif would be a bit expensive.


I have seen his setup ( colossus as above) , but seemed his low level light cameras seemed quite poor quality in low level light to me ( and the black content was filled with blue flashing dots ) .


I have since seen some 4cif dvr,s here



That would be even better as I could add extra cameras at a later date if needed.

I would be greatful of any advice on that dvr and also 4 x cameras

There will be a small amout of light from streetlamps , so would I be better going for the night vision type ? . I would like the dome type as these dont seem to look as if they are invading the neighbours properties.


I didnt want to just go ahead and buy them and have problems and then post here for someone to say what I bought was rubbish

Any advice on what dvr / cameras would be more than welcome


Incedently my friend said the colossus was £450 + vat , so this dvr is the same price , but is it a better buy


ps is there a workaround for the noise issue from the dvrs with fans

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Not used the equipment you are referring to, but in general, these are my feelings


But not sure on what the life span would be like on them , ie with them not been fan cooled wouldnt they run quite hot and shorten the life span ?


Firstly, most decent dvrs should not be noisy, even with a fan, as the fans are usually quite small, and not that powerful.


With, or without a fan, many dvrs will suffer from overheating, as adding a fan is not going to always solve the problem, sometimes they are added more for effect than actual cooling, with little thought about airflow in the design.


Even if its a good design, and a decent fan, the typical life of a dvr is going to rely on the hard drive, and they will be heavily used in a typical dvr...


If your worried about the life, then get one with a decent warranty (which is pointless if you rely on the dvr for security, as if it fails, its failed, and if it fails when you need the recording...............) or monitor the temps and if needbe add extra cooling, or replace the hard drive on a regular basis.


noise should be the last concern, as you should be able to put the dvr in a remote location, say another room, and control it remotely. Failing that, whats worse, a small amount of noise, which you will quickly learn to ignore subconciously, or the risk of premature failure of a device you may need the most at the exact moment of failure?


Fanless or fanned, they can and will probably fail at some point, best advice I can give is to either add extra cooling, or if fanless, make sure you keep a close eye on the temps.



I was speaking to a friend of mine and he advised going for a better system ,, ie a colossus 4 channel , 2cif . & 4 x low level light dome cameras . He said to go for a 2cif dvr as they would be better , and 4cif would be a bit expensive.


Ignore what friends say, especially when they have that system, unless they have tried other ones, or are a expert in the area. He/she will be biased as they wont want to admit any flaws in what they bought.


Go for a system that suits your needs, not your wallet. Obviously there is a balance to be made, but if you get a system that is cheaper just for the sake of it, and find at the end of the day it wont give the footage you need to get all your stolen belongings back, then it would have been more than just a waste of money.



I would like the dome type as these dont seem to look as if they are invading the neighbours properties.

Need to be careful here, just because they dont look like they are invading does not mean you can invade with non intrusive looking one, you still need to respect local privacy laws and common sense. Remember also, it only takes one neighbout to point out to other neighbours the dome could be looking into their property and they cant tell if it is, if that happens you could get a lot of angry neighbours.


If you go dome, do your research, not all domes are good.


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Many thanks for the reply.

Can you point me in the right direction of some good quality external domes . or is there any good models to look out for


Think I may go for the dvr from America , it does sound ok to me , if anyone else maybe from America who has tested one of them and has any comments about it I would be greatly appreciative





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Here is my experience with EB1304Net: I prefer PC based DVR over Stand alone how ever for low budget customer recently I have sold the Avermeida EB1304Net and it's been working great! I think iEB1304net is one of the best stand alone DVR I have seen I am impressed with the size and the quality. Once you look at it physically you can just tell that it’s build to last.


So far, I have installed 8 of those kit from local company which comes with AVermedia EB1304Net, outdoor or indoor high-res Sony cameras, cables and monitor. One thing I really liked about EB1304Net is that it comes with Build-in web server and has really nice remote web GUI or you can download remote app right from the browser. If you like you can check out the demo on the link below. It also comes with Video Enhancer software, PDA/Smart Phone Software & CMS3000 which allows you to connect 16 of EB1304Net or any Avermedia PC Based DVR (you can mix). I strongly recommend that you look into EB1304net one more time... Here is the link to EB1304Net Kit I have sold in past with Demo: http://www.cctvmegastore.com/proddetail.asp?prod=i1304EB120%2D4Kit. we are getting ready sell alot of these to Home builders... Hope this information is helpful to you... Sajaan

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Thanks .!

Have just picked up a cheap j2000 with 300gb h/drive & Cd writer , so will see what this unit is like , then I may buy one of the avermedia eb1304net for my shop premises .


I just need to get some cameras sorted now , not realy sure what is good


Have seen some cameras here


They are quite cheap so I presume they are not too hot ??

I have seen similar ones for more than double that price , but I feeel they maybe the same quality camera.


I would prefer to pay £100 + for each camera , but knowing that they are very good quality cameras.

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...........just as a note. I have yet to find a DVR that is not fan noisy. a room, like a bedroom, is very quite.........and the fan is heard. I've found the newer PC's with fan control are best for bedrooms, ect. as you can barely hear them..what?

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thanks for the advice.


I have installed this j2000 , but cant get it setup for remote internet viewing ??

Had a mate of mine set it all up as per the instructions , but cant access it via the web

It says if you can ping it ok then we should be able to access it.

Also cannot seem to get anything from the vga port ( connecting it to a plasma / lcd etc )

It only seems to output from the composite out ?


Not sure if we are doing something wrong or if the machine is at fault

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