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more password problems

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I know this was covered back in Nov but did not see a definitive answer.


I have a customer who had a admin password issued to an employeewho has since departed. I have an admin account on the machine Ver 7.05 but I cannot get in to get rid of or disable the other admin account. Any ideas if someone wants to PM me that would be fine also. I don't want to reload this whole system if I can avoid it.

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I know this was covered back in Nov but did not see a definitive answer.


I have a customer who had a admin password issued to an employeewho has since departed. I have an admin account on the machine Ver 7.05 but I cannot get in to get rid of or disable the other admin account. Any ideas if someone wants to PM me that would be fine also. I don't want to reload this whole system if I can avoid it.


Weird... I thought admin can remove all other accounts...


Maybe try this solution:



Of course, you will need to recreate all accounts but it's always better than reinstall.

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