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Infrared through Glass

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When you have an infrared illuminator behind a glass window (i.e. you have the illuminator in your house pointing outside the window to your back yard, etc.), it seems as though not as much infrared will get through the window as it would if the illuminator was outside.


Sort of like when you have a flashlight and you shine it through a window. The flashlight, and infrared illuminators will reflect some of the light back into the room you are in and less will be seen outside the window through the window glass.


My question is, does the same effect happen when you have a camera indoors but you have your infrared illuminator outdoors? It seems alot easier for me to put a few infrared illuminators outside my house but it's easier for me to keep the cameras inside.


I do notice from time to time this method causes reflections to happen at night, etc., but I really hate putting cameras outside. It's very windy where I live and anything attached to the outside of the house would vibrate too much from the wind, plus the extra hassle of cabeling outside is avoided this way. Just curious.

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If you used an outdoor dome mounted direct to a wall it should not vibrate.


Anyway, you would probably get a glare if anything from the light indoors. If you put the camera inside a housing and right up against the window, then you should not get any glare. The Infrared will still be there as its just like a regular light, except only the camera can see it.

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