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OK you can rub it in. LOL I've had about enough of it myself. Three more years and I'm outa here. Got a nice villa down your way?

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Yep, today was the second snow storm of the season here is Wisconsin.

First one was about 3", and todays was about 4".

Very easy winter so far ...... muz be the global warming thingy .....



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The last 9 days I have been on generator power stuck in the southern Oklahoma ice storm. McAlester, OK looks like a bomb hit it, every tree is damaged.

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Ya, it's been real strange for weather this year.

I have enjoyed an unusually warm winter so far with very little snow ....

while I've seen many other places in the US get just pounded with crap weather.

Denver has really cought hell, and you guys in Oklahoma too.

Let's see, Washington state has been beaten up .... east coast, California, Ohio, .... man .....eveybody but us in the Wisconsin area.


I'm not complaining, I just don't understand it.


I feel very lucky ..... and sorry for the many people affected by the mess.

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