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panasonic for ip camera? need help

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i have a client that needs 3 high res fixed outdoor ip cameras that focus on floor scales that weigh scrap metal, i being a cctv/dvr guy need some assistance on what i should recommend for ip - i use ganz, pelco, and panasonic for analog so was looking into those mfg.


so i need to following suggestions:


1. suggest a model/mfg

2. i will be putting this camera in a outdoor housing

3. can i use a regualar cs lens for this ip box camera or do i need a special megapixel lens


thanks guys!



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is the scale digital? does it have a printer attached? I think I understand what your trying to do; remote the scale readings, right?


anyway, consider remoting the digital readings to another readout via wireless. check this out; http://www.maxstream.net Neat radios' that apply to any situation. I use them to relay my PTZ control. Call them and give them your situation. They maybe able to connect your dots for less. Radio's are clean and have rejection technology built into them so you won't get trash.


IP camera's? I always liked the Toshiba line..nice and clean.

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