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Best System For > 16 Cameras

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I have installed several Dedicated Micro DS2 installations for customers here in the US in the past. I now have two opportunities that I am not sure how to address:


1. single location requiring 32 cameras and ability for remote viewing over the internet.

2. three locations each requiring 16 cameras and ability for remote viewing over the internet.


I know I could just install multiple DS2 units, but requiring the customer to logoff one DS2 on Network Viewer in order to log back on another DS2 would not be acceptable.


I purchased a GV800 card to play with, thinking that their SW would be able to provide a GUI which integrated the video from multiple servers. Looking at the GUI packaged with the product, I am severely disappointed. These customers are used to using the DS2 GUI for real time monitoring and searching/displaying through prior days recording. I found using the GV GUI incredibly more cumbersome at best, and the customer would never accept it.


Am I missing something? Is there a better GUI for the GV? Is there a better video card product I should be looking at? Or is there a simple DVR or multiple DVR solution I should consider (GUI as good as DS2 and similar price point, i.e. apx $2K USD / 16 cameras).

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There is software that can do it. For us, what we do is have our software share the same MSDE (MicroSoft Desktop Engine, or SQL Server 2000-lite). Then you can connect multiple DVR's together on a network. Our Network/Web Client will then display both machines. But we don't work on Geovision cards. With three remote locations I would suggest a VPN. Or with the webclient you could just use Firefox and set a bookmark that opens all three sites in the same group of tabs and just tab between them. I know some of our competitors can do it as well but I'll stop here before my bosses read this.

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