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Samsung SCC C4301

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Wonder if anyone has any experience with this camera? It has an eclipse mode that is a reverse negative feature that they use to read license plates. Question is: if you set the camera to the eclipse mode is the image always in the negative mode? Or is this just during low light. Thanks newcam-day-negative.jpg

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Thats interesting....but it looks like the original picture is a pretty good shot at the license plate. Any more photos with a not so good original shot of the plate?

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Thats ultimately going to depend on the licence plate colors, plus the amount of light available. I remember a rep trying to sell me on that a couple years ago.

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Now how the hell did you do that CollinR? Is this a function of the dvr, or the camera? Does it matter if its low light? I thought that if its low light conditions that the negative feature would make the license easier to read.

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Yup just negative it again and it's back like it was.


Thats totally a BS feature, as you can see it's pointless as all cameras can do that.

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These are from a REG-L Camera:


Original Image:












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BTW your license plate image .. they both are pretty much equally identifiable:




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BTW your license plate image .. they both are pretty much equally identifiable:






Thats what you will find, it doesn't help much if any.

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OK, I got it. It is a BS feature. There is no enhancement at all. Its as good as the original only. I was lead that the negative would not allow the headlights flood (blind) the image. So this tells me that you still need sophisticated filters and infrared to bring out a license. Thanks for all the help/info.

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Negative and Solarized is nice to identify the amount of light being produced from an IR source, and where it is located for further adjustments/upgrades, see below:










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Hay Rory,


All those images you keep showing of that pool and stuff with IR lighting..did you actually do that job...I saw a demo recently from extreme and they used those images?


Yes, and im actually going there again today ...

If you look on Extreme's web site, I am featured in an Article also.

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I just got a powerpoint preentation with your images in it too...kinda famous now dude!




BTW, we're having that job completely rewired, rg59 Siamese all around, as it had been "pieced" together over the years as she added this, cut this road, moved this tree, built this building etc .. also the Sanyo box cams have been replaced with EX82's now, and a couple extra EX82's have been added, the UF500 is still there also, and there's 2 x 16 ch linux embedded DVRs. I'll get some updated images when all the wiring and redjusting has been done.


I had originally turned it over to some other guys here to handle, as it was becoming alot of work for one person when work was required (add ons, etc) and i had other projects in the working, but they needed help getting the wiring and power situation straight after adding the other cams (they used telco wire!!!), so its back in my hands again, along with one of them as well.


I dont deal with Extreme direct myself anymore, the other guys do, though I still love their Extreme Products (EX), they let me down in the past with the WZ products. They should just stick to the high end (EX, ZX, UF, etc) products, as thats what they do extremely good.

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