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New addition to my home security system.

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Here she is, Heidi. A now 9 week old American style German Shepard.




Of course Max is still kicking. He is not thrilled with Heidi but he hasn't eaten her either. At least she has quit tring to nurse from him.




For those that don't know Max, thats a regulation basketball he claimed and popped. Now his favorite toy.



Heidi is coming along fast in the first week we have gotten sit and lay down, down. Stay, heel and housetraining quickly coming along.




I don't have the specs but dogs are like a milllion times more accurate then a photoelectric smoke detector and almost as good as exterior motions. Not to mention the deterrent factor of a 130lb agressive dog.

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  imcclendon said:
she's too cute to be a killing machine.


Agreed, and she probably never will be. She will sleep in the same room as my 2 daughters. I won't be overly coaching her towards agression but I bet some of Max will rub off. It's like most everything else the bad guys not knowing is a pretty good deterrent.


Really though all I need is a bark or two.


One of my last offices was in a REALLY REALLY bad part of town, I used to constantly have to watch for theft, had beggers, **s, dealers you name it all around everyday. I started bringing Max in with me everyday, never heard from those clowns again. They stayed on the other side of the street. He can easily tell a questionable person regaurdless of race and clothing, pretty amazing really.


He is VERY protective though... I have had to come home for a HVAC guy trapped in a bathroom. Wife said he pulled a screwdriver from his tool bag and Max freaked pushed her aside and went after him. I think if he hadn't been in a bathroom he probably would have pissed himself. Bathroom being right nest to the HVAC closet was nice too although I doubt Max would have actually mauled him. He is also very protective of kids... All kids, had him take off after a dad playing chase with his daughter once at the park. He has even clamped onto me while wrestling with my daughters.


I actually think he may have outsmarted me the other day.


To teach Heidi to come I just walk away and leave he alone in the yard. Sooner or later she will realize this and make a dash to be back near me. Well I walked away, the two of them were not in my view. Time passes so I call Max as he always comes, no dogs. Then I hear Max's attack mode bark. So I come running, expecting to be short a dog. He has this "I told you I could make him come to us if I wanted" look on his face, just sitting there.

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Yep, that would be affective for a few scars and stitches.


As a previous past due collector for the cable company, it is amazing the things they teach you on how to handle a dog in attack mode!


I wont go into detail, but I will say that Myth Busters did an episode recently on attack dogs and their myths. A really large box of dog biscuits DO work.


Any dog will become your best friend, that is, until the box runs out!

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