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I know this has been asked a thousand times but I dont see any clear answers on the forums...


Where do we get the software? (or newer software)


I know the card has to be legit (the wole system was purchased from someone in Montana who is now out of business; they were getting them in Canada I think and from there I assume Asia?)


How do we tell if the card (or system) is legit... serial # ? Where is that found? can you pull it out of the card via software?


How do you tell what version of the software you are running?


How do you get updated software when the person you bought from is no longer around?


Are software updates free? (it seems the software comes with the cards or systems... is it unlimited software updates?)


I actually had someone try to sell me the software !!! Is that legit? I thought if you had a legit card you had a right to the software??


Sorry for all the questions... I'm confused. I know I'm on Digicenter 4.1something... I'd like a newer version if I can get it, but I dont know where to get it (and I'm not paying for a 4.1 to 4.13 upgrade...)


Does the new version 5 work with older cards? Can you get version 5 free?


hahaha... there I go with questions again. This whole Kodicom software thing just seems to be a big unknown for a lot of people. I wish they would put information explaining all of this on the website! (and maybe a serial # validator so you can download the software and updates that you are legitimately allowed to download)... sorry I"m thinking out of the box here


Hopefully someone can answer all my questions all in one spot... It seems like the more I go through the posts the more questions I end up having!



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Only one I know off hand is Say Security. They are a system builder and software developer for Kodicom products, they may be able to assist with that. Typically cards are not sold separately unlike other DVR cards, and most come here to discuss pirated Kodicom cards; hence the post was prematurely moved (sorry!). Anyway, check out Say and see if they can help. They normally visit this forum also so they may see your post.



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Thanks! I'll check them out.


The whole Kodicom software thing is so confusing... It's unfortunate, but you buy one of the boxes and you feel like you're stuck with it as is with no support or upgrade path to newer software versions (especially if the company you bought it from no longer exists).


I had to go through hell just to find XP drivers for the card (my box was still running 98!!! and I obviously needed to upgrade for security/software reasons)


If anyone from Kodicom reads this... you really should come up with some way to make it easier for your users to upgrade the software (has anyone at Kodicom thought of sticking 64k of flash on these cards and utilizing a public/private key pair to encrypt the software so that it can verify the authenticity of the card so that it wont run with a pirated card?.. maybe serialization or activation checks?)

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Answers below:


1. We can provide you with the latest software. Kodicom has ceased development of DigiNet. We have and will continue to add new features to the Kodicom PC DVR software. This software costs us to develop, so in turn we have protected our software with online activation and charge a fee for its use. If you purchase the complete systems from one of our partners, we upgrade you for free.


2. All legit cards have serial numbers that track when the board was sold and who it was sold to. It is a silver number on the back of each DVR board.


3. The version of software can be found in the setup menu.


Understand that pirated boards have cost everyone a lot of money.


I hope this helps.




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