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System Design and Installation

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We are primarily a Video Analytics company doing only software. One of our customers wants us to design a solution for a 14km long road.

I have a map of the region. My question is -


1. How do i figure out how many cameras does he require for primarily Intrusion Detection and Perimeter Monitoring.

2. How do I figure out how far will the cameras be placed so as to not have any dark spaces.

3. I have checked out VideoCAD but it seems to far fetched to design a simple system. A lot of calculations need to be performed. Are there any documents which explain in detail what lenses can monitor how many degrees and how far up it can see.



Thank you,



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What percentage of the screen has to be occupied with a moving object for your software to detect intrusion or motion? The answer to this will determine the answer to your other questions. If you want complete perimeter detection, you will have to cover the entire 14km. If your software will detect something that occupies 1/64 (horizontal) of the Field of View, and the average human being is 2 feet across at the shoulders, then your Field of View may be 128 feet (approx. 42.5 meters) wide to detect your average human being.




To determine the proper lens, use this mathematical formula: where 1/3â€

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I wouldn't use cameras, I would use dual technology motion detection.


Then you could place fewer although more expensive cameras and get the results you desire.


Is there a gaurd staff?


Will there be a CCTV operator?


Is this inside a tunnel?

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check out how pure active systems work. that is a excellent product we use for wide area surveillance and intrusion detection analytics

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just one descent thermal camera at a high spot could detect people and cars

for the whole 14km with some ptz cams and IR lighting spaced at 1km or so to ID problems.

Maybe use 14 IR beams to cut down any false alarms and to select the right camera


just an idea ....

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