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Major changes my friended, very serious.. The platform is totally different at the moment.. unlike before we have basic systems that start with 4 channel Intellex (from small pop and mom operation and all the way to several thousand registers in the Casino environment...


I am curious what if anything was out there that American Dynamic has or done that was good or bad for this product and I am tunned for any negative or possibility positive response... I can take can constructive criticism... ''


Please help us as much as you may know and thank you in advance for your expert opinions.

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I don't think you really want my opinion of AD, but here goes:


When I started at my present job (1997), we had a Megapower II matrix switch with some code convertors (made by Sennetech, I presume, although AD branded). We had trouble with about 1/2 second latency on our Pelco Integra domes. AD's factory rep (SeeVid) kept trying to get them to send a tech to our casino to troubleshoot the system but they couldn't be bothered. This went on for over two years.


Eventually, I tried calling AD tech support and told them the problem. Their response was (and I quote verbatum) "We didn't tell you that would work!" To this day, I have never purchased another AD product. In 1999, we replaced the switch with a Pelco 9760 (since re-replaced with a 9780) and we have never looked back.


DVR systems are far more complex than VCRs. Installers and techs need to have a strong background in IT and they need strong support from the manufacturer. Casinos rarely have the technical staff qualified to manage this technology alone or troubleshoot the unique problems that can occur. And these problems can be unique to each brand of DVR.


For this reason, casinos should insist that manufaturers provide a highly competent and dedicated support staff. "We didn't tell you that would work" is neither!



By the way, do you know anyone who might be interested in a used 9760 - 864x32 with two CC1's but no hot switch (we are using it with the 9780).

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Hey bud, thanks for your honest comments and I very much appreciate it.. AD tech support is not what you call "good".. We never used them before nor will start anytime soon... In some rare cases we will contact their "Applications" engineers, who actually are very good... and most of them have engineering background.


Sorry to hear what they did not do, which is the right thing for the customer.. and you are not a single case...


I know about Sennetech... they produce decent "translators", but only if they have the actual equipment... I know that we loaned them some equipment in the past and the results were great - we were controlling Bosch domes with American Dynamics Switch and recently, we were using Bosch switcher to control Sanyo Domes (yup, sanyo does make PTZ domes)... Only if you work with Sennetech is when you will get the results.. off the shelf items sometimes do not work, as they do not keep up with technology changes...


You also are correct on the complexity of the Intellex systems and it requires someone knowledgeable not only to program the Intellex correctly, but to work with customer's LAN or WAN... all they had to do is to bring you and your staff to San Diego facility and give you at least (1) week of hands on training and latest another week for its incorporation into your environment... and they did not do that...


I myself was exposed with the Intellex right from the beginning... and we have full blown facility to work with any version of Intellex, repairs, upgrades up to 4.0TB internal storage (as you know their most current offering is capped at 750GB)...


I guess because of a relationship with them over time, we actually acquired the IntelleView software under license... After going through over 9 months of re-development and fixing all the known issues, now it is available for prime time... It is a very decent and simple product..


We are planning to launch these systems fairly soon and will have from 4 channel (for mom and pop operation) to Enterprise versions...


Let us know if you need any information and we will be glad to share them... and again, thank you for your comments..

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I saw the original beta version at AD in San Diego. That was over a year ago so it has probably changed a lot since then.


Hey bud, this software has been in existence since early 2000... I am not sure which beta version you are referring to, but chances are good that they may have shown you their "latest at that time" operating on top of Intellex 3.2.. Otherwise, IntelleView worked and still works well on Intellex systems with version 2.6 and all the way to 4.1 version...


What was your take on its uses and its functionality? Do you think that this product is for Casinos or rather for retail stores?? Just curious what was your point of view on this software.



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Hey bud, this software has been in existence since early 2000... I am not sure which beta version you are referring to, but chances are good that they may have shown you their "latest at that time" operating on top of Intellex 3.2.. Otherwise, IntelleView worked and still works well on Intellex systems with version 2.6 and all the way to 4.1 version...


What was your take on its uses and its functionality? Do you think that this product is for Casinos or rather for retail stores?? Just curious what was your point of view on this software.



Well, I guess I can't believe the integrator, then. We were actually prepared to buy the product because we wanted a POS interface, despite the fact that it was not compatible with our DVR system and required us to buy a 32-channel Intellex DVR just for the POS. Even so, we thought it was reasonably priced and appeared to perform as we expected.


Then the integrator called and told us that AD had postponed the whole Intelliview product because the head engineer of the project had trashed it in a rage - deleting all of the files and their backups. At that time, AD wasn't even certain if they would resume development of the system or cancel it altogether.


That was late 2005. Then in March, 2006 the integrator contacted us again and said:

"We are finally able to give you a register interface for the American Dynamics unit. It is not IntelleView, but it is very close. It is the Intellex Ultra. It has all of the register interfacing and texting. I would like to discuss this with you. I certain apologize for the faux pas on IntelleView."


Now you say it has been in production since early 2000? Hmmmmmm, who to believe....

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Well, I guess I can't believe the integrator, then. We were actually prepared to buy the product because we wanted a POS interface, despite the fact that it was not compatible with our DVR system and required us to buy a 32-channel Intellex DVR just for the POS. Even so, we thought it was reasonably priced and appeared to perform as we expected.

Then the integrator called and told us that AD had postponed the whole Intelleview product because the head engineer of the project had trashed it in a rage - deleting all of the files and their backups. At that time, AD wasn't even certain if they would resume development of the system or cancel it altogether.

That was late 2005. Then in March, 2006 the integrator contacted us again and said:

"We are finally able to give you a register interface for the American Dynamics unit. It is not IntelleView, but it is very close. It is the Intellex Ultra. It has all of the register interfacing and texting. I would like to discuss this with you. I certain apologize for the faux pas on IntelleView."

Now you say it has been in production since early 2000? Hmmmmmm, who to believe....

Your integrator was totally misinformed and I know that for a fact... The whole entire IntelleView team was fired early 2005, including the head engineer, but none of the work was deleted or damaged... That is not and will never be possible, as I know how IntelleView project gets saved. Then AD hired a company in India call Emphasis, who actually was suppose to carry the ball and they had a very light success rate... With their assistance, AD was successful in delivering several Casinos and major retail outlet (some of whom are our customers). In addition, other major retailers have been using this product, with some revision changes, since 2000 - and for obvious reasons, I will keep such customers names out of this discussion...


IntelleView will operate only with Intellex API platform.. that is the rule and the code can not be changed. It is a contractual obligation not necessarily impossible task...


AD was not sure what to do with this product and that is when we got involved... and were able to obtain worldwide license for the IntelleView (Call Seevid and they will tell you where IntelleView is parked at the moment). This acquisition took place early this year, even though we were selling this product for the last at least (5) years... We sold (6) major chains and were not receiving the support, thus gave us an opportunity for discussions on possible take over and we did!


IntelleView had to undergo very major changes to comply with all versions of Windows operating systems that it resided before (Win98 and Win2000) as well as the new platform (XP) – Intellex is not ready for Vista yet). Yes, it had some issues that required immediate attention (structural changes to comply with Windows hooks and calls mainly) and we concluded all the work only few months ago and started reactivating the channels for supporting the existing base and selling this product for newer customers. It works flawlessly and I would not have said the same when we acquired it…


Now, when your integrator told you that Intellex Ultra has the same features and functions as IntelleView, he was providing you only what he had avail from AD, as we did not want to release the software until it went through a very vigorous changes... The Ultra version comes in a Intellex Premier embedded package, that gives you similar functions, but very primitive data mining capabilities... Searches are limited and not as in-depth as Casinos may need, but I know that major retailers must have… At the moment, it comes with 22 in-depth search criterias and the next version due by end of this year will have roughly 40+ combined data mining features… thus giving even more tools to identify anything that user desires..


I have a list of at least 40+ very large retail outfits, few casinos, a stadium, etc. that used this product since 2000 and all of which changed from its predecessor, called POSEM to IntelleView... If you remember, this was a product that was introduced mid-80s and actually survived until the introduction of IntelleView software. We have to provide support for all these systems, regardless who sold it and when they were sold, under warranty, off warranty or with extended warranty.. and this is how I know for a fact that IntelleView actually was sold since 2000.


I believe casinos mostly use (2) different POS manufacturer products (we will keep their names out of this discussion as well).. We already partnered with one of them as a “Technology partnerâ€

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Rory, the IntelleView operates on top of Intellex platform or comes in a server version that can communicate with unlimited number of POS systems and Intellex systems simultaneously (each port for Intellex could be assigned to a specific POS register that is near by such video camera)..


It is a PC based system and the newest version operates on XP environment... Very stable and easy to use... The difficult part is to have the right parser that interprets POS language to ASCII and then recognizes each transaction.. It requires parsing regardless which POS system it may be.. that is the reason why it comes with very advanced search capabilities (sometimes called data mining capabilities)... You can have case management run on a specific targets and compile a complete case by using as many clips as yo may find based on your search and identifying the person or persons and the actual transactions will be running while you are viewing the video.. Once you export the case, then it runs perfectly on any Windows based machines, even on Win 98...

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