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Geovision partitioning for Log

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I've built a GV650(8) system using 160GB maxtor SATA HDD. I've partitioned 10GB for OS, and the rest for video. Im using Geo V6, and you have the option for recording a database log of general events. Should this be recorded on the same partition as the OS, or with the video partition, will there be any problems. Or should i just create a seperate parition altogether of about 1GB, what do you guys do?


This is for a GV650(8 way) system, i've built to the following spec, what do you think, a bit of an overkill? Thanks in advance for the feedback, much appreciated


Motherboard:- MSI 865PE Neo-2 PFS

Memory:- Kingston 512MB DDR Memory

CPU:- Prescott 3.0GHZ

PSU:- Silversone 400W

HDD:- Maxtor 160GB SATA

Floppy:- 3.5 standard floppy


Monitor:- 17" Hansol TFT

Graphics:- ATI 9600 128mb DDR

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nice geovision sytem for start

i make it better by geting one more small ( 60-120gb hitachi hd ) hd for booting os ( if you get virus or os crash or update you can still have your data)

and 2nd hd on tray caddy ( kingwin or better ) and you are set

and 2nd 512mb memory for better performance ( 2x memory transfer speed )


next system make mb a asus 875 chipset or better ( 925x or xe )

and hitachi hd best specs at this time and 400gb sata model

pionner dvd recorder 108,samsung tccc speed grade pc3200 memory ( kingston is not memory manufacture samsung is so it is better memory for less money )



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Kingston's requirement for the pass rate on memory is what your paying for. What they consider acceptable for sale is a much higher tolerance then some of the no name brand.

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samsung is name brand bigger than kingston

and you can buy samsung memory and it is better deal for the money for same memory loo at kingston and you see that they use on some samsung memory and if it is same as samsung chips it will cost much more for same spec memory

that is all i am saying so you get best price for best product so you make the money



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It's a poor comparison. Sure the chips come from the same factory, but the acceptable tolerances between the two companies differs. Kingston allows for X number of defects in a batch to consider it acceptable. Samsungs tolerance is X+3 (all numbers here are just to demonstrate the point.). I know if I put kingston into a machine, I am less likely to put a bad stick of ram into the machine. Sure, Samsung sells ram of the same quality as Kingston, they also sell ram of lesser quality. Cameras are the same way, only a few companies make CCDs, but that doesn't mean the cameras all put out the same quaility of image. It's worth the extra $20 to not have to deal with the wierd behavior that flaky ram gives me. You might save up front, but all it takes is one or two machines acting up (and bad ram will look like alot of other things before you see it as bad ram) and you having to make a bunch of service calls.

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tccc is a samsung speed grade

and it is top model top grade of pc3200 memory

and if you look for same grade in kingston it will cost you 2 x more for same

memory only kingston claim is lifetime (???) replacement last time i look

kingston is all big hype if you have the money to waste its ok



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It's not hype. I've benchmarked alot of sticks of ram with memtest, and kingston, crucial and some of the others, kingston consistantly gives less failures.

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sounds alot like the difference in using a cheap camera and an expensive one, or a cheap dvr and an expensive one; so much in technology and electronics these days is you get what you pay for.

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Exactly rory, but its an even bigger problem in the PC based sector, because its not just a DVR, its buying individual components such as motherboards, CPU, PSU, ram, HDD etc you hear so many reviews about all the components, that it takes time building a 'perfect' system.


Any comments about the log database/POS database partitioning?

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GeoVision have recomended to me that it is a good idea to have the system logs stored on the same partition as the video, but within a different folder.

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I agree with Tom, Kingston is a great brand, so is Corsair, especially the XMS series and not the Value Select Series, they have higher test failure allowance. Samsung OEMS a lot of stuff for example Samsung Techwin Cameras are not made by Samsung Electronics, they just have their name branded on them.


One thing Tommentioned is critical.... Falkey Ram is very hard to trouble shoot as it can look like so many other fualts and it can be very hard to test so that is ALWAYS one area we never scrimp on.


As for your log of events, it is only text and you can make it recycle, so either increase your 10GB to 15 or 20 (handy anyhow with service pack 2 out, and who knows what around the corner) and make a folder there and be sure that you set it to recycle, or tore it on the video Drive... wont affect the video as long as not inside the video storage folder.. I would prolly do the latter if you are not going to use recycle after certain days

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