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VCR/Multiplexer to PC based to Standalone to PC based again?

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Some thoughts on VCR/PC DVR/Standalone DVR:


Before the VCR/Multiplexer was in the market more or less alone, then we had an development in the PC branch making PC based DVR's the new main stream, then came the standalone based, but what will tomorrow bring?


My thoughts is that the VCR/Multiplexer went out of the market because they wasnt good enough, that gave the PC based a market, but the PC based was unstables o that made a market for the Standalone units. Now I feel that after SP2 came for Windows XP and after Socket 775 was released, the PC based has gotten very stable and reliable, in fact I havent had a 775 system go down yet to this day( I had a HDD DOA before the system was installed and 1 faulty Motherboard, I also had some hardware issues on some PC parts but when running thye are running). So will this make the standalone units loose some of the market because of this? Will PC based grow stronger now? Also we have IP/Megapixels solutions coming into the market. Other that have thougth's about the PC based VS. Standalone units and the developmentin the market?




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The way MS is going with Vista, I can foresee the PC DVR moving more into another OS, as Windows gets slower and slower. Also seems the standalones are being used much more now for the budget applications, over PC based.

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I have a Milestone system running on Vista for about a month - too early to really talk about stability but have not had any issues.


Biggest problem with Vista is still missing drivers for printers, scanners, etc.


My preference for a 'plug it in and forget it' system is still a standalone DVR by far.


In terms of megapixel systems, hybrid DVR/NVRs can be an attractive alternative.

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Embedded (proprietary) or embedded XP or Linux based...


These type of systems come with least amount of headaches and are very stable... Yes, most of them do not come with all the bells and whistles that conventional PC based DVRs do, however they are very easy to use and to operate.

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