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checkpoint east towers/can hook to a remote??

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Does anyone know if its possible to wire a set of checkpoint EAS towers to a hand held remote of some sort. I'd like to set the alarm off via the remote when stopping shoplifters. Anyone have any ideas??

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Do you have any idea how often security at Target is accused of doing that?!?!?!


We never had a remote, and setting the towers off on innocent people would be wrong.


But - I remember that we had a key switch in the office, and when we turned on the system, all the towers would light up and sound. So cycling the power would create an "alarm". A remote could easily be tied into this switch.


Since this alarm doesn't happen at my current store when power is applied, I am going to suggest that it will depend on the model of the EAS towers.

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I forget th4e exact model. If i was able to get this info to you. QWould you be able to give me some step by step instructions? I have used this tactic before on people i know that do have some merchandise and thought a remote would work nicely

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I wouldn't be able to help you wire it up. I don't know *that* much, as it would likely involve relays or something. Rory, or someone else much more experienced than myself may be able to help you with that.


BUT why set off the alarm? If you KNOW they have shoplifted, why not just detain then for shoplifting, get the merchandise back, have the cops come and charge them for theft, and then get civil restitution from them?


I wouldn't want to spook the shoplifter by setting off the alarm intentionally prior to detaining them.


I've had to abort a few high dollar detentions because someone set off the EAS alarms, spooking the shoplifter, who then dumped the merchandise and left the store without it.


If you want an alarm of sorts to call additional employees to assist with detaining the shoplifter, I wouldn't tie it into the EAS system. I'd have a seperate annunciator or speaker recording played when activated.

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Unfortunately I dont know what a checkpoint EAS tower is, but maybe have it just lock the exit door instead of an alarm, so they cant get out?


Speaking of shoplifters, we have a huge percentage per population of them here, infact school kids are not allowed in stores all at once, security only lets in a few at any one time, the rest have to remain outdoors, and also they have to leave all backpacks etc at the front door. .. plenty tiefs around here, its sad really, one other reason our prices are so high and keep climbing.

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