TRIX98 0 Posted November 22, 2007 I have bought an avtech 760 and am trying to view over LAN. I'm used to setting up network etc so not a clueless newbie. I have set the DVR with a private ip address in the 192 xx range in line with all other stuff on my network. The DVR pings fine wif no dropped packets from the router itself and the computer on the LAN i'm trying to access the DVR from. I start up video server e click on search-it finds the DVR in seconds n displays all relevant info-ip addresses etc. However when i clic on APPLY n the confirm authourity box comes up i enter the default user name n pass which according to manual are both admin n clic ok. When i do this a box pops up sayin network settings not changed. I clic on ok n goto blue login screen-port=80 ip address is correct 1 i put in default admin user n pass-it attempts to connect but everytime i get a login procedure failed message. I've looked at the password settings in the DVR menu and only a 4 digit numerical password can be set so how can the default login be admin? I even tried admin as the username n 0000 as the password which is the box default-no joy testing this theory either! Is this a box fault? please help its drivin me nuts. thx in advance TRIX98 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Metal Shaper Man 0 Posted November 22, 2007 I don’t know very much about networking. But, sense there may not be many on the forum today with the accurate knowledge in regard to answering your question, I will offer some fixes for some of my negative experiences. First, admin may not be the password but the user name. Second, the password may be 1234 or nothing at all. Third, popup blockers have caused me many problems. I would think it should work if you have an IP address for the DVR, the Subnet Mask set correctly, the Gateway set correctly and the HTTP Port Number. I also find that there is a Data Port setting, Command Port setting, and a Remote Playback Service RPB Port setting. Like I said, I know very little about networking. Hopefully, my comments will lead to something that will help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiwi 0 Posted November 22, 2007 The password 0000 is for the local control panel, not the network login. If you can't login over the lan using "admin, admin," then perhaps you should "reset to defaults" and try again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scorpion 0 Posted November 22, 2007 I would suggest manually putting in the ip address, admin, port number, and a "name" in to the address book rather than using the search feature. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRIX98 0 Posted November 23, 2007 @ kiwi- I have tried resetting box defaults-no joy. @ scorpion- Thanks for the reply & p.m. However i think you are misunderstanding my problem- The address book as far as i know is to allow for other users accessing the dvr remotely as were yr comments in p.m. The login problem is via local area network not from WAN so ddns & port forwarding etc is not the issue. The DVR will not allow me to login from a computer on my local network in the same private IP range & subnet. No traffic is going via WAN only LAN -its all internal & private. As i said in the original post the DVR is routable from the router-no pings dropped & routeable from computer-no pings dropped. The DVR is also clearly visible to the server program as a search via the program finds it in seconds n displays all the corredtly set parameters- if any of the TCP/IP protocols were wrong it would be unreachable by any side of a network but it clearly isn't. What the problem seems to be is straightforward refusal of username&password- thing is why? and how to sort it? Thanks, ANY MORE IDEAS ANYONE? Regards TRIX98 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kiwi 0 Posted November 23, 2007 I've looked at the password settings in the DVR menu and only a 4 digit numerical password can be set so how can the default login be admin? TRIX98 To answer that question - Video Server E has a box for changing the password and adding accounts. Assuming no fault on the DVR side, it looks like this boils down to firewall-level issues on the PC. No doubt you have tried switching off any software firewalls and tried another PC, perhaps even with a crossover cable direct to the DVR? The PC's are running WinXP? Are you getting the message: "Login procedure failed" ? And the program version is ? Have you tried a log-in with Internet Explorer? Lastly, I wonder if there is a hardware reset jumper inside the unit? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scorpion 0 Posted November 24, 2007 I would suggest taking a crossover cable, and hooking directly up to your computer. If you cannot get in, then the DVR is the issue. I apologize for the WAN comments, I threw that in just in case I did misunderstand. It should be as simple as putting in your IP address, admin, admin, and you are in. Unless you bought the DVR second hand, and someone else changed the passwords. Try the crossover cable, and let me know what you find. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TRIX98 0 Posted November 24, 2007 Finally sorted it, tho why it had to be such a ball ache is beyond me! I'll explain- Luckily i had a cat5 x so tried it str8 to me NIC wif static IP's n was able to login so that answered the password question. So as a reluctant last resort i reconfigured my router to DHCP instead of static manual adressing n got the router to assign the addresses. The ANNOYING & STUPID THING IS that when i did i set the router to assign the addresses in the same short range of 192.xx to the computer n DVR. IT ASSIGNED THE DVR ALL THE EXACT SAME SETTINGS I'D ORIGINALLY GIVEN IT!! Logged in from video server e n bang!-straight in. Flicked it back over to static IP with the same settings n logged out. Put the router back to manual addressing wif same IP as start. Put computer back to same static IP as always use. Rebooted DVR, puter & router. Logged in from video server e HEY PRESTO STILL WORKING FINE!! So all in all a complete ball ache- IN TRYIN TO SAVE TIME BY CONFIGURING THE DVR AS STATIC IP ALL CORRECTLY TO START WIF-I STILL HAD 2 GO DOWN THE ROUTE OF DOING IT LIKE I KNOW NOTHING! Maybe the DVR is female n jus has to have a chat wif DHCP 1st jus to be awkward-even tho DHCP didn't tell it owt i didn't in 1st place! f@*k knows lol. Thanks to all who replied, I HOPE THIS LITTLE ANECDOTE WILL HELP SOME OTHER POOR GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT SHOULD WORK BUT AS IS THE WAY WIF THESE THINGS COMPUTERS ALWAYS THINK THEY KNOW BETTER!!! Kind Regards, TRIX98 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites