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video on a time clock

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I am looking for a time and attendance system (small) that would allow a POS type of interface with video. I would like to have the employee clock in the time and date be displayed on a video clip/and or digital pic?


I know this is a bit off topic but I cannot seem to find any off the shelf stuff. Seems like it should be a fairly common thing that employers would want to do ???????



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if you integrate with an access control system, then you can do this through a prouct like the Geovision Weigand capture. perhpas you could upsell the customer to an acessc ontrol system too.

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just add a micro switch inside,

use the DVR`s trigger with a PIR or a microwave pointed at the machine. [floor mat switch would work too]



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Any Time & Atendance system that can output to a serial printer would work with Geovision too with the GV-Data Capture usually used for POS systems.

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