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cctv as a business

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Hi, just in process of installing a remotely accessible surveillance sys in my office. Also, for my home, and then a few neighbor's homes. I like the concept and relative ease of the set-up. after searching the www for info, I see it is overwhelming with how much info is out there and how much there is to know, but I am seriously considering going into this as a business. Any suggestions of how I could get up to speed quickly? I don't think we're allowed to direct people to specific suppliers etc, but any information on things such as wholesale suppliers, tutorials, books, equipment, seminars, shows would be extremely appreciated. Thanks & God Bless, Fred

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Congradulations! You want to start your own business!





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I would tell you more information, but Rory another poster on this forum say that I like to write novels, and he likes to poke fun at that. I am going to keep this one short, as I do not want to give him the satisfaction. LOL!

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I just like Fred discovered an intense interest in doing this for a career. It is only a slight deviation from my current fulltime job .. and I've been installing cams for friends and family for 3 years now.


What I love about this industry is really helping clients to improve their safety and security. Burgular alarms help indicate of a break in ... but CCTV identifies perps, and also helps in many other ways. Like they say .... a picture says a thousand words.


I haven't had any correspondense with Rory yet .. but his posts are very informative and helpful.


Scorpion .. don't change a thing about how you write ... I find your articles and postings very animated and informative. War and Peace versions are appreciated ... never too much info.


Good Luck to you Fred

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