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video color issue over 4 channel fiber tx/rx

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i have a client that likes to buy product from me and i also design the system, etc recommend cameras etc for project and then they install everything....then i'll get a call when they run into a problem


they hookup 4 cameras using ge fiber transmitter/rx(4cams over 1 multimode fiber) and one of the 4 cams has this picture, other cams are fine - color is a mess - its on the dvr here but i did pull it up on a monitor and its the same after coming out of the fiber but fine before it goes into the fiber. the four 4 channel cards they have in a rack case are all producing the same effect...i didnt have time to fully troubleshoot the problem the other day but wanted t post the pic and see if anyone has any advice or has seen a pic like this






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I have a few customers with 4 rg-6 to 1 mm fiber system you will need to check video levels at the camera with a meter (CM-2) at the point it goes to fiber and when the fiber rec is when it comes off the fiber. Now a little old school color bar generator set to 1 volt peak to peak at the camera end and make the same tests. After all is said and do you might just have a bad fiber trans or rec. Does a good channel say ch 1 look like this when you move the ch that is good to the ch that is bad.

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hi PG,

since its fine before it went into the fiber, and it worked bad as well in another three cards, the issue was not on the Tx/Rx.Check the input level again.

PS,welcome to try our fiber Tx/Rx, it has AGC to avoid such situation.

www . vadsys . com

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