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Why do some of you have camera systems in your car?

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Think a little harder. Ever been blamed for an accident you didn't cause?


Fortunately no, but I can see the effectiveness.


How much are you spending to do all of this when your insurance deductible is far less than all of this equipment? DVR, power converters, wiring, one camera for front, one for back. Seems like this would add up and make it not worth it.

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Accidents, and Security?


If you are blamed for an accident, at least in the US I believe that goes on your record right?

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Depending on your coverage level, you may lose your car if the other driver lies...



Example: I got hit head-on by a drunk driver who went left of center. Totalled both cars. He failed the breathalyser but refused to give a blood sample. Was charged with the refusal. His insurance company said he was not proven to be drunk, so that didn't factor. He said *I* crossed the centerline. Without proof of who went left of center we were both ruled 50% at fault. My car was liability only, so I lost my car - about $6k.



In every accident I ever witnessed and gave a statement for (5 so far, I'm a jinx) the at-fault driver lied. In 16 years of driving I've been in 4 accidents. 1 was my fault and I told the truth and my insurance paid out. The other 3 were not my fault, but the other driver lied and I wound up losing money because I had no proof.

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Accidents, and Security?


If you are blamed for an accident, at least in the US I believe that goes on your record right?


Yes, if you are ruled at fault then it stays on your record for between 3 and 7 years, depending on state and/or insurance company. That will raise your insurance rates depending on the $$$ cost of the accident and your other insurance factors.


ie a 16yo who causes a $20k accident in a sports car is likely to pay several thousand dollars for insurance, if they can get insurance at all.

Compare that with me, mid-30s married guy driving for over 15 years - I caused a $2k accident a couple years ago and have to pay an $8/mo surcharge for 3 years.


One of my co-worker's kids got 3 speeding tickets, and caused 3 accidents, in his first 2 years of driving. After serving a licensing suspension and paying for reinstatement he then tried to get insurance. He was charged $600/mo for liability only. And he paid it! My first apartment's rent payment was less than that!

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When I first installed a system in my car about 8 years ago, I noticed at the time that the Cloud-9 shuttle service in San Diego had small solid-state devices installed in their vans. It records forward video 30 seconds before and after a "bump," and the recording is password-secured.


According to the driver, not only did their insurance company reduce their premiums but also paid for all the systems to be installed.


The driver also told me he had gotten in minor trouble with his boss for bumping something while reversing, which had triggered the device.


During the time I had a 4-camera system installed (with sound) in my own car, I'll have to say it made me become a much more careful driver knowing that the evidence was present - either for or against me.

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The cops dont even have video in the cars down here .. its sad


Going to the Insurance companies is a good idea though.

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Rory, Your cops have cars down there?



In my town all with alot of crime there are more police cars (all without cameras) parked on a given day then patroling the neighborhoods.

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I think we have gotten of the subject. Here are some reasons why you would want video surveillance in your car.


1. Evidence of you NOT being at fault in a car accident


2. When a cop pulls you over and gives you a ticket for something that you did not do, you can fight it in court with your video surveillance.


3. If you get robbed in your vehicle, you can show the court or cops the footage for prosecuting.


4. You can speed at 150mph and show it off on YouTube. LOL!


There are a lot of different reasons people might want video surveillance in their car. These are just a few examples. Let me know if there is anything else we can help you with. Thanks

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Can anyone show a picture of their install in their car? I'm curious how much it shows. My friends are already heckling me over getting a system for the house .

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Can anyone show a picture of their install in their car? I'm curious how much it shows. My friends are already heckling me over getting a system for the house .


I post videos on Youtube on the same name as here. Do a search - there's a bunch of videos of the install and the resulting video clips.

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Can anyone show a picture of their install in their car? I'm curious how much it shows. My friends are already heckling me over getting a system for the house .


I post videos on Youtube on the same name as here. Do a search - there's a bunch of videos of the install and the resulting video clips.


Cool, thanks!

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Dear topic starter, do not judge so fast..haha

Taxi drivers use CCTV to, for security and accedes to.

I am planning to put a cctv in my car in the near future.

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Can anyone show a picture of their install in their car? I'm curious how much it shows. My friends are already heckling me over getting a system for the house .


I post videos on Youtube on the same name as here. Do a search - there's a bunch of videos of the install and the resulting video clips.


Your Youtube channel is one of the most remarkable and interesting I've run across in some time.


Thanks for that.


BTW, the weather where you live looks uniformly miserable.

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I agree...... so many times some idiot has crashed in me and said it was my fault, that's why I carry a digital camera around there no escaping that !

It saved me many a time. [Audi vs WRX]


i`ll be putting in a quad with all corners covered. [4 cams] I will use my

reversing cam as one.




I'm not paranoid the people following me are....

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I agree...... so many times some idiot has crashed in me and said it was my fault, that's why I carry a digital camera around there no escaping that !

It saved me many a time. [Audi vs WRX]


i`ll be putting in a quad with all corners covered. [4 cams] I will use my

reversing cam as one.




I'm not paranoid the people following me are....


I could have used that system any number of times.


Including the time where an elderly lady ran a red light and t-boned my vehicle. I had no witnesses, and she had some elderly guy (turned out he went to her church) backing up her sweet-as-pie "I was the one with a green light, officer" story.


I was dead in the water. I was had, and I knew it...


Until a stranger came to my rescue. Luckily for me, there was an off-duty police officer on the other side of the intersection from her, and he witnessed the whole thing. He approached the investigating officer, introduced himself, showed ID, and basically said "umm... I'm a cop, saw the whole thing, and the old bag is lying." *points to me* "This guy is telling the truth."


I could have kissed his feet.


Video is like that... your very own umimpeachable witness.


The video doesn't lie.

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Yes, I must agree. The most popular reason people place cameras in their cars is #1 being accidents. I would personally put one in my car for this reason along with others being, theft, accidents, hit and runs, basket dings, ECT. There are numerous reasons why, but these are just a few.

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I caught this incident on my dashcam:



I don't know what the other guy said to the cop, but after hearing his side of the story the first cop was going to write this up as an collision and blame me! If we had 'collided' then it *would* have been my fault, I later learned. After pointing out the dashcam the cop & the other guy spoke again and the cop suddenly was on my side.


The damage cost about as much as my camera system - so I say the camera paid for itself here.

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