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ideas on how to run cable?? ever think of a crossbow?

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Don't try it:

The dog got excited, fell through the ceiling tile and now has a broken leg.


The mouse got loose and ate through one of the cables and now theres no picture from camera 4.


The mouse ate through a piece of romex while the cat was in pursuit, and both have been electricuted.


Still can't find the darn monkey, I think he's stuck in the roof vent.


What do I do now?

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I tried a cable caster once. unfortunately it tangled almost immediately. I remember not being able to open the closed spin caster reel and it got thrown in a box somewhere. So I have to say I was not impressed. Besides as others have mentioned; All the ceilings I work in are already packed full of other mechanical services. Between duct work, conduit, and ceiling wires you would have to be dead-on with every shot to beat the speed and accuracy of glow rods and boom poles.


Also, I am suppose to install cable supports every 4 feet. So I have to open every other ceiling tile anyway.


That being said... I like new toys as much as the next guy. If I had any more room on the truck I might be tempted to pickup one of these:





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If I may join in. This may help someone when all else fails.


A number of years ago I had a long narrow hallway with 1'x 1' ceiling tiles. The hall was about 75-80 feet long. There were 2 small hatches at either end that gave access to a space that was about 18" high. The ceiling tiles had 12" fiberglass batts from end to end.


Couldn't snake my fish that far, use my pole, sling shot, ball with string or any other tool that I had in the van or otherwise.


Soooooooo what to do???????????? I had to get a wire to the other end and surface mounting at the ceiling/wall was not an option.


So I picked up the local Merchandiser paper. Looked under toys/games for sale. Found some kid that wanted to sell his BIG Wheel R/C Truck.


yeee hawwww!!!!


Took the body off and strapped on my flashlight, tied on a pull string and wire and drove the sucker to the other hatch opening. It went over the fiberglass batts like sand dunes. Start to finish was about 90 seconds.


Well worth the $100 bucks I paid the kid. Turned into a fun toy as well.


On a different thought I did hear that someone used a pet rat to pull cables in a old school. Built a special harness for the rat tied on a string and stuffed him in a wall. Used some cheese and calls from other end and the rat came out at the right spot.


Anyhow hope that little trick helps someone in the future.

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