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Wide angle lens for Trendnet TV-IP672WI

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I'm looking to buy a wide angle lens for some of my Trendnet TV-IP672WI cams that I have. There are many on ebay/amazon, but I am not sure what threads or mounts this camera uses...


Has anyone done such an upgrade on one of these megapixel cams?



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I'm not familiar with the cam, though it looks like a Foscam, and this type of cam typically uses an M12 or board cam lens. Here's what you need to check when buying a replacement lens:


- The lens needs to be the right size for your sensor - 1/4" in this case. Many lenses are for 1/3" sensors, and will give better quality, but will have a different field of view than the same size lens for a 1/4" sensor.


- Ideally you'll want a MP rated lens, but on inexpensive cameras like this, it often doesn't make much difference.


- Since this is an IR cam, you'll need an IR corrected lens to give good focus in both IR and daylight mode. This is usually called out in the description, but not always. Some IR lenses are IR blocking, not IR corrected, and will disable your night vision. Lenses for cameras like the Gopro often have IR blocking built in.


- M12 lenses are focused by turning them in and out in their threads, and some M12 lenses need to be turned in far enough that they hit the IR filter before they're focused. This is hard to tell about before you try it. Even if they spec the back focal length, which most vendors don't, you'd need to know the clearance of your IR filter to know if it'll fit. Of my bag full of 6 M12 lenses tested on one camera, 3 fit ok, and 3 hit the IR filter before they were focused. If you keep turning after you hit the filter, you can crack it or break the housing.


If there's a forum for these cameras, you might check there and see which lenses others have had luck with.


It's a jungle out there. Good luck!

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Thanks for the reply... It is definitely a screw type lens, as you turn it to adjust focus...


These have impressively good image quality, I've been very happy with that. I just have a few places where I'm missing a lot of area, and a wide angle lens could do... IR specific lenses are not necessary, especially for the two parking lot cams that I have in outdoor enclosures.


I've seen some lenses for similar Trendnet cams listed as M12, so I guess its a good start I guess i can try ordering a few of those.

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