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camera freezing and freezing another camera

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has anyone run inot this?


I have a camera that is freezing- and it is freezing a PTZ- if I disconnect the camera the ptz works fine- what could this be? also it is the port below the Ptz- if I move it from the port to another port, it will freese the one above- is it the port or the camera?




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If I get this right, you say the camera freezes up, and in turn freezes up the VIDEO of the PTZ. When you move said camera to another port, then it freezes up again, and in turn freeze the newer camera as well.


If this is right then I would say it is the camera as your troubles seem to follow the camera.


Take this "bad" camera out of the system. Put a camera where the "bad" camera was freezing the PTZ.




Does the replacement camera freeze up? If it freezes: will it freeze the PTZ like the other camera? If this is the case then there may be a problem there to look at.






As we are not there to take a look with our own eyes then we can only guess at what might be the problem.


The freeze can come from many sources.







There may be an issue with the camera getting the voltage in a range that makes it happy. The power supply may not meet the requirements, or the cable may be to long from the power supply to the camera, and there may be too much of a voltage drop, and the camera is very angry at you.


You cannot take a multimeter at the camera, and just test the power wire for the 12 volts DC. You have to test it under load, which means while the camera is plugged in, and operating, and then this will give you an accurate measurement.


Is there a particular time of day that the camera acts up?


I had a customer who called about a camera that would go in to failure at a particular time of day. Very mysterious!!


What it turned out to be was that in Florida it gets hot during the miday (alright! Shut up all of you in Texas)! The sun would beat down on the west side of the house where this camera was located. There was a BNC to RCA adapter between the camera, and the premade cable. It was wrapped in electrical tape to keep it water tight. When it would get hot the tape would warp, and the connection would bend, and poof there goes the video. Replacing the BNC adapter, and leaving off the tape since it was located in an eave solved this "mysterious" issue.


What is your camera using? 12 volts DC? 24 volts AC? AC handles longer distances then the DC, and you have to take in to consideration wire size with the distance, and the quality of the copper wire. You need to have good copper, not a golden colored fake copper wire.


I was not much help was I? It is still broke!


SEE POST IN SECURITY CAMERAS http://www.cctvforum.com/viewtopic.php?p=78951#78951

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thanks for your response, I will check the power, but I dont think I explained myself correctly-


DVR is PC based- with a kodicom card- eight ports, the top four are PTZ cameras- the freezing camera is not a PTZ it is a regular camera and is on port 6 directly below the PTZ on port 2- the camera on port 6 freezes and also the ptz on port 2- if I disconnect the camera on port 6, then ptz is fine-if I disconnect camera on port 6 and connect it on port 8 - camera freezes and PTZ on above port (4)- weird !!







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